the Final Concert of Music in the Making
Welcome to the Final Concert of Music in the Making.

Happy new ears!!! our flyer said - this is what we wish you this night, as it is what we have achieved in the course. Or Everybody has a song John Cage stated. It is so true!!

How did we come to this program?
We will open with choir-singing. Although we don’t have schooled voices we enjoyed the singing we did every meeting. Although some of us don't read notes we have built a nice program with music of five of the central classical music composers we have focused on in the course. We did practise our singing with a great singer from the Nederlands KamerKoor, and although we are a little nervous about our vocal performance we hope the power of this very elementary and natural making music together will come to sound.

Focusing on composers and composing it was interesting to have a composer as a guest in the course. Mayke Nas came to talk on her work and was questioned vividly. We got an introduction in her newest work, a new viola-concerto for Susanne van Els and the Schönberg Ensemble – 'To hell!'. Then we went to the first night performance of this work at a sold out Vereeniging in Nijmegen. Part of the course was to be a musical performer ourselves: it seems fair that I join my students in this. I will play two smaller works by two of the main composers in the course, students will give an introduction.

'New compositions - this might surprise you! All students have during the course listened to some thirty hours of music from Monteverdi to Stockhausen. The students have written papers on, a.o., 'silence', 'Romanticism', 'style'. But while studying giants from the past we have also let our own creativity speak: students composed a piece just using environmental sounds, students have written and performed their own songs. Now they will perform their last works! John Cage is the twentieth century composer who has sharpened ideas on music and silence. Performing his music is an incredible experience of concentration, sound and silence, the passing of time. But above all it is Making Music and listening at the same time, a shared action between performers and audience.

In our concert tonight students will present this composer and the performed piece - as we have learned in the course it is helpful to have some knowledge as you listen to music...

Susanne van Els

Program 'Music in the making'
class Choir

Susanne van Els - Viola
Johan Sebastian Bach - from Suite in G for cello
Igor Stravinsky - Elegy

Arjan Lienaerts - Voice
The Missing Piece

Anouk Steur - Cello

Philip Barkhudarov - Voice
New composition

Lauren Stegmaier
Music by Theory

Krystle Veerman - Piano
Schoenberg Attempt No. 5

Grace Limandjaja - Voice
Psalm 25

Kristina Cueva - Voice
Confessions of a drunken mind

'Music in the making' class
John Cage
The end

Students over Music in the Making

I can no longer declare 'this is music' or 'this is no music'. Music seems to be an all-encompassing aura around people.

Music in the Making is a lot of fun and I have learned a lot. I didn't know anything about classical music before I started, but that was not a problem at all.

The Music in the Making classes were very personal to me, given by an inspiring and enthousiastic teacher who really let me discover wonderful things both in the existing heritage as in myself during the last months.

Ik heb stukken gehoord waarvan ik geen idee had dat ze bestonden, en dingen gedaan waarvan ik geen idee had dat ik het kon.

Voor deze cursus wist ik bijna niets van klassieke muziek en zag ik het als een moloch die op je afkomt, als een wereld waar je moeilijk toegang toe krijgt. Nu heb ik het gevoel dat ik toegang heb tot die wereld, maar ik zie het inmiddels als een wereld die je zelf kunt cre ren: je bepaalt zelf waar je je voor open stelt. Deze cursus was heel anders dan ik van te voren verwacht had, maar daardoor zeker niet minder boeiend! Ik had niet gedacht dat we zoveel zelf creatief bezig zouden zijn, maar hierdoor leer je de klassieke muziek van binnenuit kennen en dat is zeker voor iemand als ik, die geen instrument bespeelt, een waardevolle ervaring.

Susanne haar enorme enthjousiasme voor muziek werkt heel erg aanstekelijk en inspirerend. Ik weet nog dat we onze muziekreis begonnen bij Monteverdi, en dat Susanne wild enthousiast over zijn werk vertelde. Ik dacht: die houdt veel van Monteverdi. Daarna kwam Vivaldi, waar ze ook niet over uitgepraat raakte. Bij Bach begon ik iets te vermoeden, en bij Mozart wist ik het zeker: Susanne is gewoon van alle muziek enthousiast!
  strijkers masterclass recensie

nawoord Music in the Making

studenten over Music in the Making

recensie Tempest

University College Utrecht / Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Honours Program - Music in the Making

Over de Strijkers Masterclass 2007

Adam Ossin over de cursus Music in the Making

Mark Barton over de cursus Music in the Making

the Final Concert of Music in the Making. Everybody has a song

Jetske Tinnevelt

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